Monday, September 22, 2008

Search Models

After completeing the search steps and looking back on what we have already looked at and actually taking part in this one, really has me looking at the models more closely. They are all very similiar and almsot makes you wonder why there are so many. For example Kuhlthua's ISP steps are very similiar to the W's, it jsut uses different terms for the headings. It does make me wonder if you are looking more at either the "typical" reserach paper vs. a more personal reason, why would you need a different approach, why cna't you just use the same one?

Curriculum Connection add on

Last time I tried this the Indiana Academic Standards website would not allow me to see anything, it still wouldn't today but I was able to open word files off the website. I decided to pick a grade and look at the standards for langauge arts and social studies to show that the research can be used cross curiccular and in many different facets. Many more standards could be added in and even more could be added with some twicking of the project.

7th grade
language Arts- 7.2.2, 7.2.4, 7.2.7, 7.4.1, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.4.6, 7.4.7, 7.4.8, 7.4.9, 7.5.3
social studies - 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.14

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Link to final project 1.pptx

Almost done!

Wrapping- The best way for me to showcase the info that I have found is through a power point. This way I have the websites and info for when I am ready to take the trip and not looking for a ll of the loose notes I took along the way.

**Power point to be added later today

Wishing- I think the project went okay. I wish I had more "umpf" to not procrastinate and work quicker on it. But with school starting at work, ISTEP testing, 2 classes..the urge to prostatinate won out. I also think it was hard to stick to the steps because in my mind I wanted to combine so many of them together and work all as one that when I went towrite about it and break it down it was more of a "well wait didn't I already do that". So it was very hard for me to seperate what I had done and actually stick a step label to it. I think that for students this can be a helpful step by step guide for those that really do need those labels. For kids working on projects I think that this would be an excellent model for them to follow. It almost makes it easier to be given the topic or a frame for the topic, as opposed to starting from complete scratch.

Curriculum Connection- This type of research could be used in classrooms of all levels. for example a social studies class looking at counties, states, etc. Could research in order to create a travel guide of that area. A language arts class could use this a method for doing a narrative, persuasive or research project. A reading teacher could use this if the setting of the novel they are reading had a specific area, it could be reserached to tie into cross curricular instruction. The Indiana standards website is not acting friendly at the moment so actual standards will be added later.

Personal Connection- I don't know if I really thought about inquiry before the project. I knew what I had to do and I did it. I don't know if I necessarily realized that there were steps and that I followed them. I think that I was following the steps but never knew that was what I was doing. I think that the way that we did was much more of a kid friendly set up than an adult set-up, but we are learning to work with kids. After doing this I could see myself thinking twice about certain assignments I give the kids and perhaps redoing it so that more of this is included even if they don't know what they are doing.

Additional Requirements:
- list of websites will be included in final project
-technology tool will be final project

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Okay he's asleep, lets try this again.

Wiggling- I knew very little about Vancouver and what they have to offer. I found a bunch of things that interested me and all things found were based off of the Tourism website or the specific website for that particular thing. based on the creator I think it is safe to assume that it is legit and accurate in its information.

Weaving/Wrapping- My goal was to find out information about Vancouver, what there was to do, places to stay, etc. Since I had no background information to build on everything was new and interesting to me. i am a list person, I write things down and lose the lists and then make new ones. So all of my infroamtion is written out a pieces of paper. I thought the best way to organize what I had was to make almost my own travel guide or checklist of what we (okay i) want to make sure that we see or do when the time comes. Since I focused on the where to stay, I figured that that should be the biggest part since that is one of the first things that needs to be dealt with.

Really I am focusing...............

So I seem to have the attention span of my students, does that mean that I can't yell at them anymore when they see a bright object and I lose their attention?

I was webbing and I found all sorts of fun things to do in Vancouver. The problem is that they don't tell you a ton because the theory is that you are coming to visit and experience these things for your self. Fantastic for when I do go there a little problematic for when you are doing a project. So I started looking at options for renting a condo instead of getting two hotel rooms. I landed on the website My parents used to rent out a condo in Lake of the Ozarks and advertised the condo on this website, so I knew a little bit about it and how it worked. I didn't know that it also lists for Canada so of course I got drawn in to looking at all the pictures and yelling out to my husband to listen to this and look at this, and him yelling back I thought you were doing homework--so do your homework. Jeez doens't this look like homework to the average person! I am now starting to doubt what I am looking for and thinking that maybe this wasn't a good idea, but then the new ideas start jumping around in my head and I have all different things/ideas I can do with this info......this may just be the point of all of this.

I stuck to the 'main" websites with the theory that if they are put out by the actual person/organization it has to be accurate information.

Wiggling- So i have all sorts of information and none of it necessarily seems to go with each

Baby bedtime so to be continued in a half hour..................................

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Off and running, running.......

Does it mean that I am probably procrastinating a little too long when I couldn't remember the password to get into this?

So things go through my head at the strangest of times and I will think thats great, do that when you get home, to school, in the middle of the night, include that in your blog.......5 minutes later I forget all about it. If I had an office in my car I would be one of the most (see the word I want just went in one ear, heard the rain, got up to open the blinds to watch and now can't remember what the word I wanted was), so anyway lets just say I would be on top of my game.

Focusing NOW.....................

Wondering: Where exactly are the games located in vancouver? best places to stay? things to do that are special to vancouver? Things for toddlers to do, specifically a 3 year old? location of activites? is a rental car needed or is their enough transportation cheap? I'll be honest I don't understand how canada is set up,what are the diferences with british columbia---is'nt it all Canada?