Thursday, September 18, 2008


Okay he's asleep, lets try this again.

Wiggling- I knew very little about Vancouver and what they have to offer. I found a bunch of things that interested me and all things found were based off of the Tourism website or the specific website for that particular thing. based on the creator I think it is safe to assume that it is legit and accurate in its information.

Weaving/Wrapping- My goal was to find out information about Vancouver, what there was to do, places to stay, etc. Since I had no background information to build on everything was new and interesting to me. i am a list person, I write things down and lose the lists and then make new ones. So all of my infroamtion is written out a pieces of paper. I thought the best way to organize what I had was to make almost my own travel guide or checklist of what we (okay i) want to make sure that we see or do when the time comes. Since I focused on the where to stay, I figured that that should be the biggest part since that is one of the first things that needs to be dealt with.

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