Sunday, September 21, 2008

Almost done!

Wrapping- The best way for me to showcase the info that I have found is through a power point. This way I have the websites and info for when I am ready to take the trip and not looking for a ll of the loose notes I took along the way.

**Power point to be added later today

Wishing- I think the project went okay. I wish I had more "umpf" to not procrastinate and work quicker on it. But with school starting at work, ISTEP testing, 2 classes..the urge to prostatinate won out. I also think it was hard to stick to the steps because in my mind I wanted to combine so many of them together and work all as one that when I went towrite about it and break it down it was more of a "well wait didn't I already do that". So it was very hard for me to seperate what I had done and actually stick a step label to it. I think that for students this can be a helpful step by step guide for those that really do need those labels. For kids working on projects I think that this would be an excellent model for them to follow. It almost makes it easier to be given the topic or a frame for the topic, as opposed to starting from complete scratch.

Curriculum Connection- This type of research could be used in classrooms of all levels. for example a social studies class looking at counties, states, etc. Could research in order to create a travel guide of that area. A language arts class could use this a method for doing a narrative, persuasive or research project. A reading teacher could use this if the setting of the novel they are reading had a specific area, it could be reserached to tie into cross curricular instruction. The Indiana standards website is not acting friendly at the moment so actual standards will be added later.

Personal Connection- I don't know if I really thought about inquiry before the project. I knew what I had to do and I did it. I don't know if I necessarily realized that there were steps and that I followed them. I think that I was following the steps but never knew that was what I was doing. I think that the way that we did was much more of a kid friendly set up than an adult set-up, but we are learning to work with kids. After doing this I could see myself thinking twice about certain assignments I give the kids and perhaps redoing it so that more of this is included even if they don't know what they are doing.

Additional Requirements:
- list of websites will be included in final project
-technology tool will be final project

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